About me


  • MA Art Psychotherapy
  • HCPC Registration Number AS018046
  • BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists)
  • BAATN (Black African Asian Therapy Network)
  • FdSc Counselling
  • Diploma in Holistic Therapies

Joya Georgewill

Hello, my name is Joya, I am an approachable, reliable, art psychotherapist, based in Bristol.

At the end of my FdSc degree in counselling, I completed a three year master's degree in art psychotherapy to extend my skills to work with young people and adults using creative arts.

I am registered with the Healthcare Professions Council (HCPC) and the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and I am fully insured.

I have worked with groups and individuals with complex needs for over 20 years and have experience of working with diverse communities within a variety of organisations, which has given me insight into the various challenges adults, young people and children face in life.

I have worked in a 12 Step Community Based Treatment Facility, Addiction Recovery Agency (ARA), Criminal Justice Intervention Team (CJIT), Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service Detox Unit (SDAS), Prisons, schools, and Bristol University.

When I embarked on my own creative journey with an art psychotherapist, I discovered using art materials gave me a voice and helped me tell my story and I want to offer this approach to you, too.

Having experienced art therapy combined with the 12 Step programme and benefited both personally and professionally, I also offer 12 stages of inner discovery as a complimentary approach and will adapt this model to fit individual needs.

Within all these modalities I use specialist skills to help people identify how past experiences have shaped their response to certain emotional triggers, and how this has created patterns of unconscious behaviour and suffering that no longer serve them.

I provide a safe non-judgemental space for you to work through your difficulties and at your own pace. In this space, I hope you will feel accepted, heard, and understood. If you would like to know more about me and what I offer. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes


"Life is full of challenges. We all have them. Art has helped me through my own deep valleys."

Sarah Jio

I have experience working in the following areas:

"Art therapy provides a safe and non-judgmental space to explore and process our inner world."

Rachel Kaufman.

About me

A Safe space

I work effectively with diverse groups and believe one of my strengths is the ability to develop meaningful relationships. The therapeutic relationship is thought to be essential to the positive outcomes of any kind of therapy, therefore in my practice, I aim to create an empathic and non-judgemental space that enables the client to feel safe enough to share difficult and emotive thoughts and feelings either verbally or through the art-making process.